The next step is to determine what style of course and delivery method is right for you and your circumstances.
There are two main ways Registered Training Organisations deliver courses in Australia: the traditional in-class style or online, self-paced. I want to spend time in this piece looking at some of the obvious and not-so-obvious advantages of online self-paced learning over traditional in-class learning.
1. Flexibility
Possibly the most significant advantage of online self-paced courses is the flexibility they offer. You aren’t stuck with someone else’s schedule or timetable. You can fit your study in around your life and the time that works best for you. Online courses are a great way to obtain the qualification you need for that new career before leaving your old one. You are in control.
2. Accessibility
If you are connected to the internet, then you have your classroom. There’s no need to travel anywhere, spend money on fuel, parking, or accommodation. You can obtain your qualification from the comfort of your own home, your third place, or wherever you choose.
3. Learning Styles
Every learner is unique, and online self-paced courses are designed with learning features that allow you to progress at your own speed. If you find a topic challenging, you can spend more time on it without being rushed. If you grasp a topic quickly, you can breeze through it without having to wait for the rest of the class to catch up. This learning style maximizes your understanding and retention of what you have learned.
4. Price
Everything is more expensive these days, but online self-paced courses are generally more affordable. Not only is the course cost often significantly lower, but you also have no other associated costs of travel, etc.
5. Learning Resources
Online courses, by their nature, have various elements to their delivery. Multimedia components such as video, chat, multiple choice, and audio keep you engaged and cater to different learning styles.
6. Instant Feedback
In traditional classroom-style learning with exams and assignments, any feedback on your progress is often weeks away from the learning. Online courses often have continuous assessment (open book style because you have the learning resources and the assessment at the same time), and these are graded as you go, so you get more instant feedback to know how you are progressing.
7. Learn More Than What You Are Studying
Because of the nature of online self-paced learning, the responsibility for your progress and success is all yours. You must manage your time, stay organized, and be proactive. All of these skills apply not only to your new career but also to your personal life. Employers look for these traits when hiring, so by doing your qualification online and self-paced, you have demonstrated that you possess them!
8. Custom Learning Environment
The significance of this is often overlooked. People’s preferred learning environments differ greatly. Instead of learning in an uncomfortable chair at a desk under fluorescent lights with everyone else, you get to choose where you study. A quiet, cozy spot at home or the local coffee shop – it’s up to you.
9. Lifelong Learner
Studying a course online and self-paced promotes a culture of lifelong learning. Once you have the qualification you need to enter an industry through this method, you unlock the path to upgrading your qualifications in the same way when required, or learning in other fields or interests. The opportunities are almost limitless.
So, when you are considering where to invest your time and money in the education space, you should look for the best return for you. The unrivaled flexibility and cost-effectiveness of online self-paced learning have changed the way the world learns.
If you are looking to balance your current career, family, and finances with obtaining a new qualification, consider studying on your terms, whenever and wherever you like. And most of the time, that is not in the classroom.